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NET Core Corporate Training Programme  for Employees

NET Core Corporate Training Programme for Employees

NET Core Corporate Training Programme for Employees is an organised and structured programme aimed at teaching employees the fundamentals and advanced concepts of NET core development. It is necessary training for corporate employees who have enhanced their skills. Thought Process Organisations conducted this training in an efficient manner.

Core Module Content of the Training Programme by Thought Process Organisations:

The core modules of NET core training basically cover several fundamental areas.

  • Introduction to the NET Core:

This module covers a brief description of the NET core framework. Also covers a difference between traditional NET frameworks. Various key features and advantages of NET Core.

  • C programming:

This module basically covers the basic syntax and a large description of the C language. Data types, variables, operators, etc. are noted in this module. Various control flow statements like if else, switch, loop, etc. How to use this programming language in the corporate field is also covered in this module.

  • OOP:

The full form of object-oriented programming is available in these training modules. Classes, objectives of OOP and memory management, and abstract classes also noted these modules.

  • ASP.NET Core Web Development:

This module covers a total introduction to ASP and NET Core, how to build web applications, MVC patterns, etc. How to create a dynamic page is also noted in this module.

  • REST APIS with ASP.NET Core:

This module covers REST architecture details and its principles. A detailed description of HTTP methods, status codes, etc. This module provides an overview of JSON and XML formats.

  • Deployment CI CD:

This module provides a clear idea about packaging applications for deployment and continuous integration. A continuous deployment overview is described here. Use of Dockers and Azure AWS ideas.

NET core corporate training for employees

Practical Application:

A NET core training course by thought process organisations helps to simulate projects and helps to understand real-world scenarios to apply theoretical knowledge in the practical field. It’s about coding practice, handling strategies, code organisations, etc.

Security in NET Core Applications:

Authenticating and authorising data systems and also maintaining logging and monitoring are part of this training program. Enhance the performance the performance of optimisation techniques.

Advance Training by Thought Process Organisations:

Thought Process Organisations conduct advanced technology in the NET core training field. Thought process organisations provide strategic services that enhance the efficiency of coding system operations. In-depth understanding of security measures is relevant to NET core systems.

Assessment and Certification:

Regular quizzes and tests are available here to progress skills. Upon completing this course, thought-process organizations will issue a valid certificate in mainframe operations.

Continuing Education and Support:

Webinars and workshops are available here. Online and offline, both resources and expertise are available here for post-training support.


Thought Process Organisations collect feedback from participants to enhance the NET Core Corporate Training Programme for Employees and regularly update training content, technological advancements, etc.This training programme is important for corporate employees in the competitive field, ensuring their skills and keeping them ready for a competitive field.

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Mainframe Corporate Training for Employees

Mainframe Corporate Training for Employees

Mainframe Training for Corporate Employees are involves learning the necessary skills and knowledge to operate, maintain, and develop applications for, especially, Mainframe computers. Mainframe computers are mainly used for large and critical applications, heavy data processing, and large-scale transaction processing. It is a important valuable course for corporate employees. Thought Process Organizations conduct them very systematically.

Core Modules Content of the Training Program by Thought Process Organisations

The core modules of Mainframe training basically cover several fundamental areas.

  • Mainframe Architecture: This module introduced the unique design of physical and logical systems in Mainframe systems. A detailed study of storage solutions, networking activities described this modules.
  • Operating System: This module covers z/OS, VM, and IBMZ systems. We noted comprehensive training on the IBM operating system, installation services, configuration, management, etc. Learn management capabilities of operating system and understand the implementation Linux on Mainframe hardware.

  • Programming Language: This module covers various programming languages such as COBOL, JCL, REXX, ASSEMBLER, etc. This programming language mainly helps business-oriented, finance-oriented, and administrative systems.

  • Database Management: This modules helps to know Database design,  SQL coding, IBM information systems, critical database management systems etc.
  • Transaction Processing: This module covers a detailed overview of CICS and IMS. Customers information control systems include a transaction server that runs Mainframe systems. Learning details about the transaction management of IMS.
  • Security: This module helps to understand managing user access and its privileges. An encryption system can help maintain systems. Data protection techniques for securing database transit are both noted in this module for increasing skill.
  • Resource Optimising: Some techniques that ensure the growth of system resources and the efficient use of system resources are available in this module. Identifying the problem and resolving it is part of these resource-optimising modules.

Practical Application:

A mainframe training course by thought process organisations helps to simulate projects and help to understand real-world scenarios to apply theoretical knowledge in the practical field.

Advance Training by Thought Process Organisations:

Thought Process Organisations conduct advanced technology in the Mainframe training field. Though process organizations provide strategic services that enhance the efficiency of mainframe operations. In-depth understanding of security measures is relevant to Mainframe systems.

Mainframe training for corporate employees

Assessment and certification:

Regular quizzes and tests are available here to progress skills. Upon completion of this course, a valid certificate will be given by thought process organisations in mainframe operations.

Continuing Education and Support:

Webinars and workshops are available here. Online and offline, both resources and expertise are available here for post-training support.


Thought Process Organisations collect feedback from participants to enhance the training programme and regularly update training content, technological advancements, etc. The training programme of Mainframe Corporate Training for Employees in the Mainframe field, ensuring their skills and keeping them ready for a competitive field.

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MS Azure Corporate Training for Employees

MS Azure Corporate Training for Employees

In today’s rapidly developing technological landscape, cloud configuration has emerged as a critical element for innovation, scalability, and efficiency in business markets. Microsoft Azure is one of the leading cloud platforms. MS Azure Corporate Training for Employees covered employees with foundational to advanced knowledge, efficiency, deployment, and optimisation of cloud solutions. This training not only enhances technical skills but also grows strategic business. From Thought Process organisations,“ employees can also achieve certificates. Making valuable assets to the corporate world.

Overview of Microsoft Azure

MS Azure Corporate Training for Employees helps to understand the definitions and benefits of cloud computing. Various cloud services, like labs, PaaS, and SaaS, are briefly introduced here in this training program. Though process organisations provide knowledge of the basics Microsoft Azure, The capabilities of Microsoft Azure and some common uses of it in corporate environments are totally covered by this training programme.

Azure Training Modules by Thought Process Organisations

Microsoft Azure training is designed into various modules, each of which targets different roles in the corporate world.

  • Azure Fundamentals:

This module totally covers the basic principles of cloud computing and types of clouds like Laas, PaaS, etc. Azure web apps, Azure databases, Azure virtual machines, etc. have detailed descriptions. This module includes Azure security, identity services, protecting data, etc.

  • Azure Developer Training:

This module totally focuses on implementing data storage solutions, data security, monitoring data, etc. It also gave a clear idea about virtual machines, batch jobs,web applications, containerised solutions, etc.

  • Azure Architecture Training:

This module covers managing workloads, security, network configuration, hybrid connectivity, etc. Some backup strategies and data replication are also taught in this module.

  • Azure Data and AI Training:

SQL database and Cismos DB are the main learning modules of this training module. Instructs on managing relational data with Azure. This module covers Azure Synapse Analytics, HDI, etc. Various AI tools like Azure machine learning, bot services, and AI-powered applications are mentioned here.

MS Azure corporate training for employees

Customised Learning Paths:

Though process organisations provide developers with role-based training, For developers, they provide building applications. For IT professional candidates, they introduced managing and computing cloud infrastructure. Data scientists who are using analytical tools with large data may find this training helpful.

Training Methodology for Thought Process Organisations:

Very interactive learning methods have been used here for training purposes. Hand-to-hand simulation and a lab-based learning process are available here. Various workshops and live coding classes are available here for training purposes. Various e-learning tools and platforms are used here. A combination of offline and online courses is available here.

Strategy Implementation:

The training schedule and timeliness are always well maintained here. phase of the training period and ongoing training is totally smoothly included in this implementation strategy. Frequency and training sessions are also suitable for candidates.

Mentor and Trainer:

Mentors and trainers who are efficient in this Microsoft development field are involved here. The technology and infrastructure of thought process organisations are really appreciable.

Evaluation and Feedback:

Online quizzes and hand-to-hand project assignments are available here. Updating content and improving training effectiveness properly occur here.

Benefit and Outcome:

Better transformation goals, cost savings, and IT infrastructure improve with this training. It also improves cloud management and problem-solving skills.This training programme not only provides employees with training content but also provides a mastery of Microsoft Azure. Create clear ideas about their respective roles.

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V&V Automation Testing Training

V&V Automation Testing Training

V&V Automation Testing Training Focused on Selenium with Java Training for Employees

V&V Automation Testing Training on Selenium and Java is a great way to develop corporate employee skills in web applications. This vital training provides information on Thought Process organisations in their specific way.

Overview of Automation Testing

Thought Process Organisations covers this training with knowledge of the basics of what automation testing is, why it is used in the corporate field, it’s manual testing, and the advantages of this automation training.

  • A clear overview of Java programming, which is essential for Selenium.
  • Understanding the capabilities of Selenium web-based services.
  • Whole environment of selenium
  • A basic selenium introduction and how it works with web pages.

Core Content of the Training Course:

Understanding the automation testing role and its importance to software development. This document broadly describes some advantages, such as error reduction and potential difficulty. An overview of Java basics is necessary. How Selenium connects to Java is an important part of the training program. This course covered object-oriented programming concepts such as inheritance and polymorphism. Core Java applications are also a topic of this course. Understanding the role of automation and web drivers in Eclipse. How to create a web page and how to run it.

Working with Web Elements:

Some coding strategies, like X paths and CSS selectors, are learned in this course. Clicking buttons, entering text, using mouse movements, and dragging and dropping are also important actions on this ground.

Selenium Web Driver:

Handling dynamic elements, alerts and pop-ups,browser testing, configuration of multiple browsers, and understanding how to manage unexpected windows, alerts, and some strategies like how to manage AJAX elements are part of the Selenium web driver.

Selenium with Java training

Test Work and Reports:

Junit, verification, and reports are valid uses of annotations. Implementing checks and noticing valuable outcomes using tools like Extent reports, detailed tests, etc. is also part of this training programme.

POM (page object model):

Learning how structured automation scripts work by using POM strategies. This pattern enhanced the ability to continue functions in computer software.

CD and CI:

With continuous integration and continuous deployment, all codes changed to production Selenium environments. CD immediately ran Selenium with new features. CI entails automating code changes at multiple shared times per day. This function helps to detect integration errors as soon as possible. This improves software quality. All these functions are covered by “Thought Process Organisations.“.

This type of training mainly helps to enhance practical knowledge. V&V Automation Testing Training course helps you understand hands-on projects and real-world testing scenarios. This target training programme provides a comprehensive overview of Java programming, as well as the Selenium web Driver framework and Junit.

SAP BASIS Training for Corporate Employees

SAP BASIS Training for Corporate Employees

Process Organisations play a great role in the corporate world. SAP BASIS training for corporate employees can be completed in some modules.

Overview of SAP BASIS:

BASIS is the technical foundation for SAP applications. Covering administration and arranging. Overall understanding of the architecture, components, and all functional systems of SAP systems.

Computing Training by Thought-Process:

  1. Installation: System configuration also provides this training period. Guidelines on installation SAP and noted all initial system configuration steps.
  2. SAP server management: managing applications servers is also part of the training period for thought process organisations. Techniques for effective management of application servers. Performance optimisation and monitoring all applications are important here to learn the whole training process.

User Administration:

Data integrity within the SAP environment and system maintenance are also part of the training period for thought process organisations. Authorised by management by role assignments and training here. User creation and managing users are also important to learn.

SAP Net Weaver:

  1. Capabilities: Introduction to Netwaver and the technology of SAP systems, components also provide this training program. Also managing portals and customised portals by efficiently training here.

Database Management:

Introduction to several databases like HANA, Oracle, and SQL Server  Various strategies, like how to backup and recover disaster data and effective data, are also subject to the training course by thought process organisations.

SAP BASIS training

Regular Maintenance:

This training programme helps with procedures for routine systems and checks for updates to smooth systems and creation. Techniques for resolving common issues in SAP systems are also part of training.

Advanced Computing Techniques:

TMS systems are very helpful in handling transport systems of SAP systems, and changes to SAP systems are also covered in this course. Some advanced methods for enhancing system performance and user experience are also available here for learners.

Training and Documentation:

New Employees: customise training sessions to bring new staff up to speed on SAP functionalities. Development of documents and procedures for the safety of documents and assisting users.


Practical exercises are also available here. This training provides an organised session for hands-on practical experience with the SAP systems environment. Various problem-solving case studies and real-life scenarios, which enhance the development of learning skills, are also part of this training.

Feedback on This Training from Thought Process Organisations: 

  • Assessment methods: Tools and techniques that are helpful to evaluate the process of training and progress understanding of whole matters perfectly.
  • Feedback collection: To improve future training sessions, methods of collecting and implementing feedback are vital infrastructure for thought process organisations in SAP Training.This structured of SAP BASIS Training for Corporate Employees aims to provide corporate employees with practical knowledge and deep experience of SAP BASIS. The SAP system in their organisation is totally well-infected by management.Contact