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V&V Automation Testing Training Focused on Selenium with Java Training for Employees

V&V Automation Testing Training on Selenium and Java is a great way to develop corporate employee skills in web applications. This vital training provides information on Thought Process organisations in their specific way.

Overview of Automation Testing

Thought Process Organisations covers this training with knowledge of the basics of what automation testing is, why it is used in the corporate field, it’s manual testing, and the advantages of this automation training.

  • A clear overview of Java programming, which is essential for Selenium.
  • Understanding the capabilities of Selenium web-based services.
  • Whole environment of selenium
  • A basic selenium introduction and how it works with web pages.

Core Content of the Training Course:

Understanding the automation testing role and its importance to software development. This document broadly describes some advantages, such as error reduction and potential difficulty. An overview of Java basics is necessary. How Selenium connects to Java is an important part of the training program. This course covered object-oriented programming concepts such as inheritance and polymorphism. Core Java applications are also a topic of this course. Understanding the role of automation and web drivers in Eclipse. How to create a web page and how to run it.

Working with Web Elements:

Some coding strategies, like X paths and CSS selectors, are learned in this course. Clicking buttons, entering text, using mouse movements, and dragging and dropping are also important actions on this ground.

Selenium Web Driver:

Handling dynamic elements, alerts and pop-ups,browser testing, configuration of multiple browsers, and understanding how to manage unexpected windows, alerts, and some strategies like how to manage AJAX elements are part of the Selenium web driver.

Selenium with Java training

Test Work and Reports:

Junit, verification, and reports are valid uses of annotations. Implementing checks and noticing valuable outcomes using tools like Extent reports, detailed tests, etc. is also part of this training programme.

POM (page object model):

Learning how structured automation scripts work by using POM strategies. This pattern enhanced the ability to continue functions in computer software.

CD and CI:

With continuous integration and continuous deployment, all codes changed to production Selenium environments. CD immediately ran Selenium with new features. CI entails automating code changes at multiple shared times per day. This function helps to detect integration errors as soon as possible. This improves software quality. All these functions are covered by “Thought Process Organisations.“.

This type of training mainly helps to enhance practical knowledge. V&V Automation Testing Training course helps you understand hands-on projects and real-world testing scenarios. This target training programme provides a comprehensive overview of Java programming, as well as the Selenium web Driver framework and Junit.